18 Jan This week at Hope 1/18/2021
Yesterday in worship we observed the Second Sunday after the Epiphany as we focused especially on Psalm 40. Writing 3000 years ago, David had a perceptive view of our present-day circumstances. Stuck in mud and filth, trapped in the pit of death—it certainly feels that way as degradation and decadence have become the norm in our public culture. What can we do but cry out to the Lord for help? And God is mighty to save! Jesus comes right down into the middle of it and actually takes our place in the pit of death. He offered Himself in order to break the tyranny of sin and thwart the enemy’s attacks and restore us to confident hope. This is how David put it: He “set my feet on solid rock. He steadied my legs. He put a new song in my mouth.” That’s the song of praise we sing to the God who saves, the song the whole world needs to hear. In these unsettled times we put our trust in the Lord and are truly happy.
Year-end financial giving statements are ready to pick up at the church. Talk to Evelyn Buchhorn, financial secretary, if you have any questions. The new year is a great time to recommit to faithful giving in response to God’s abundant gifts!
Reminder—two new Bible Classes have just begun on Sunday morning. I am leading one on Lutheran Spirituality, meeting in the Parish Hall. Terry Wende is leading A Conversation on Racism, meeting in Friendship Hall. Either of these can renew and deepen your trust in the Lord. It’s what Christians do!
Gatherings for men and women are on the schedule this Tuesday. The ladies of LWML will meet at 5:30 pm in the Parish Hall. This is good spiritual fellowship and an opportunity to put your faith into action. The Hope Men’s Group will meet at 5:30 pm at Tres Amigos restaurant. Come out and enjoy stimulating conversation around a tasty meal.
The 2021 Flower Chart is on the hallway bulletin board near the back entry doors. This provides a way to remember and give thanks to the Lord for important people and events in your life. Cost per Sunday is $45.00 for the arrangement. Talk to Pam Heine, Altar Guild chair, if need more information.
Scripture readings for Sunday—Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20
Birthdays—1/18 Ginger Bayer, Sharon Teague, 1/20 Phyllis Bahr
Anniversary—1/23 Patricia & Barry Daniell
“Those who put their trust in the Lord, who pay no attention to the proud or to those who follow lies, are truly happy!” Psalm 40
Pastor Heckmann