This week at Hope 1/25/2021

This week at Hope 1/25/2021

Yesterday in worship we observed the Third Sunday after the Epiphany as we considered the oppositional posture of Christians in the middle of an upside-down world. St. Paul sounds the warning, “The time has drawn short…this world in its present form is passing away.” We certainly find much evidence for that truth in these days. Those outside the Church grasp at anything and everything for momentary comfort or distraction. We in the Church know how to regard the temporary nature of worldly things. This enables us to keep focused on the permanent, the good stuff to come, the glorious future that even now Jesus is preparing for us. While we live and move and have our being in the world, we “use the world like those who are not preoccupied with it.” Oppositional, humble, devoted to service—that’s the Jesus way!

Check it out—our member Pamela Ceasar crafted a beautiful piece of wall art that presents Hope’s defining statement. Know Jesus, Grow in Jesus, Show Jesus. Keep your eyes peeled to spot it next time you’re at the church.

Two Bible Classes have found their groove and are swinging along on Sunday morning at 10:30. I am leading one on Lutheran Spirituality, meeting in the Parish Hall. Terry Wende is leading A Conversation on Racism, meeting in Friendship Hall. Either of these can renew and deepen your trust in the Lord. It’s what Christians do!

The 2021 Flower Chart is on the hallway bulletin board near the back entry doors. This provides a way to remember and give thanks to the Lord for important people and events in your life. Cost per Sunday is $45.00 for the arrangement. Talk to Pam Heine, Altar Guild chair, if you need more information.

The BIG event this week—Thursday is Chocolate Cake Day! Come sail with SAIL from 10 to Noon in Hope Harbor and have the time of your life.

Scripture readings for Sunday—Deuteronomy 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28. 


Anniversaries—1/25 Don & Phyllis Bahr

“Now is the time! Here comes God’s kingdom! Change your hearts and lives, and trust this good news!” Mark 1

Pastor Heckmann