(512) 926-8574
Yesterday in worship we came to the conclusion of the Advent season—all four candles on the wreath were lighted. The focus was on the virgin Mary and the angel Gabriel’s remarkable announcement to her. God chose His vessel wisely—Mary responded with faithful obedience to the Lord’s will and became the mother of God. As her spiritual descendants, we join Mary in answering God’s call with openness, willingness, and anticipation. Keep your head up and watch Christ’s amazing work be done for you!
The week of Christmas has descended upon us. Here is the worship schedule at Hope:
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 6:00 pm
NO Christmas Day service
Festival of Christmas celebrated on Sunday, December 27, at 9:00 am
Thanks to everyone who contributed poinsettias and roses. The sanctuary is beautiful!
Now is a good time to be generous with year-end offerings. The church needs your contributions in order to fulfill budget obligations and to continue in the Lord’s work. Consider a special gift in thanksgiving for Christ’s birth. As always, you can do this in person or online through the church website.
Scripture readings for Sunday—Isaiah 9:2-7; Titus 3:4-7; John 1:-18.
Birthdays—12/21 Sarah Olson; 12/23 Janna Borman; 12/26 Patricia Daniell
“I am the Lord’s servant. Let it be with me just as you have said.” Luke 1
Pastor Heckmann