This week at Hope 12/28/2020

This week at Hope 12/28/2020

Yesterday in worship we wrestled with the question “Do you see what I see?” John, who along with the other disciples got to see Jesus glory firsthand. A front row seat to the best teachings and miracles ever heard and seen. It is easy to believe things you can see, but it becomes more difficult to believe things you can’t see.  Can we see amazing works of God today? What occupies us and assures us, along with John in his time, to keep faithful and looking for and receiving Gods blessings. Do we still believe and wait for God through what He is still doing in our lives and world today?

The week of New Years has descended upon us. Here is the worship schedule at Hope:

Sunday, January 3rd, at 9:00 am

Thanks to everyone who contributed poinsettias, roses and decorating the Church. Everything was beautiful!

Hope’s Prayer List 

Pastor as he enjoys some much-needed time off.

Strength and healing for: Laurene Boes, Todd Brewster, Glenn Hohle, Louise Hohle, Jean Haney, Lorene Olle, Cindy Wilcox Parker, Betty Rountree, Ed Stork, Ruby Wilcox, Deaconess Sharon, Office Manager Lynn Jones, and those we name in our hearts. 

Now is a good time to be generous with year-end offerings. The church needs your contributions in order to fulfill budget obligations and to continue in the Lord’s work. Consider a special gift in thanksgiving for Christ’s birth. As always, you can do this in person or online through the church website.

Scripture readings for Sunday—1 Kings 3:4-15; Ephesians 1:3-14; Luke 2:40-52

Birthdays—12/28 Randi Daniell-Alcozar; 1/1 Shannon Galloway; 1/1 Emedi Songolo


“Behold, I am making all things new.” Rev. 21:5

Carl Repp, DCE