01 Mar This week at Hope 3/1/2021
Yesterday in worship we observed the Second Sunday in Lent and, praise the Lord, there were no disruptions, outages, cancellations, etc. In fact, we had the added celebration of a baby shower for the Songolos! Our spiritual attention was directed to the contrast between human thoughts and God’s thoughts. The devil works persistently through our self-created expectations, presumptions, imaginations, and delusions, just as the old evil foe spoke through Peter to tempt Jesus to a seemingly easier path of redemption—one that would not include suffering and death. Get behind us, Satan! We are given the mind of Christ, which puts us on track with God’s plans, God’s purposes, God’s will, God’s wisdom, and God’s path from death to life. Now is the time to die with Christ so that we also live with Him.
Midweek Lent service is this Wednesday at 11:30 am. We will focus on the Catechism teaching on the Apostles Creed. The Offering is designated for Meals on Wheels. Come and get a great lift to your faith!
The Hope Book Club will convene on Wednesday at 1:00 pm. The new book is Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer. You are invited to the discussion!
A Financial Peace University (FPU) course will begin next Monday, March 8. This will be a virtual seminar running online from 7:00 – 8:30 pm each Monday. Learn how to dump debt, build wealth, and handle your finances in a godly way. Visit www.fpu.com/1123666
www.fpu.com |
to sign up and learn more. Talk to Carl Repp for all the details.
Scripture readings for Sunday—Exodus 20:1-17; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31; John 2:13-22.
Birthdays—3/3 David Martino
Anniversaries—3/3 Bobby & Fay Davis (65 years)
“All who want to come after Me must say no to themselves, take up their cross, and follow Me.” Mark 8
Pastor Heckmann