15 Mar This week at Hope 3/15/2021
Yesterday in worship we observed the Fourth Sunday in Lent and focused on the distinctive difference we Christians are equipped to make in the world. It starts with God who is rich in mercy and flows from His grace that saves us. Without that, we are just like the people of this world who live in disobedience and are consumed by doing whatever feels good. But God has raised us up with Christ and shown us the goodness of His grace and has given us faith to believe and trust His word. This indescribable gift moves us gladly to do all the good things He has planned for us. Distinctively different, we followers of Jesus are the only hope for the world—by grace you are saved through faith.
Midweek Lent service is again this Wednesday at 11:30 am. As we return to the Catechism for helpful counsel, the focus this week is on the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. This is another opportunity to have your passion kindled for life in Jesus’ name. The offering will be designated for SafePlace.
Men and Women of Hope are gathering this Tuesday for faithful fellowship. The LWML ladies meet in the Parish Hall at 5:30 pm. The gentlemen will gather at Tres Amigos at 5:30 pm. This is a great way to extend the blessings of Sunday worship into the week!
A vital Workshop for Caregivers will be offered by Deaconess Sharon and Eileen Klein on Tuesday, March 23, and Tuesday, March 30. You can attend either in-person or by Zoom. Helpful tools and support will be provided for anyone caring for a loved one at home. The Workshop will meet from 2-4 pm for both sessions. Contact Deaconess Sharon to register.
Plans are underway for Hope’s Easter Fest! We will host the eggstravaganza on the Great Lawn on Saturday, April 3, from 10:30—Noon. Lots of fun for everyone; lots of opportunities to help. Talk to Carl Repp to see how you can be involved.
Scripture readings for Sunday—Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 10:35-45.
Birthdays—3/18 Doreen Songolo
Anniversaries—3/18 Matthew & Colleen Golla
“God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” John 3
Pastor Heckmann