22 Mar This week at Hope 3/22/2021
Yesterday in worship we observed the Fifth Sunday in Lent and heard Jesus’ stirring counter-cultural call to all His disciples—“Whoever wants to be great among you will be your servant.” That is a direct response to Christ’s own sacrificial service, His willingness “to serve and to give His life to liberate many people.” What an awesome God and beautiful Savior! Now the opportunities abound for us faithful followers to demonstrate the way of Christ. You can look below to see avenues for service in feeding and nourishing and teaching and equipping for all facets of life. And you can look in your own life to where the Spirit is moving you to help with the love of Christ.
Our concluding Midweek Lent service is this Wednesday at 11:30 am. As we learn the Catechism for helpful counsel, the focus this week is on Confession and Absolution. The offering will be designated for Central Texas Food Bank.
A vital Workshop for Caregiverswill be offered by Deaconess Sharon and Eileen Klein this Tuesday, March 23, and Tuesday, March 30. You can attend either in-person or by Zoom. Helpful tools and support will be provided for anyone caring for a loved one at home. The Workshop will meet from 2-4 pm for both sessions. Contact Deaconess Sharon to register.
Keep an eye out this week for another email with information about Holy Week Digital Camino. Betsy Martino brought this spiritual exercise to our attention in yesterday’s service—a five-day pilgrimage for Holy Week that can enhance and deepen your life with Jesus.
Hope’s EasterFest is set for Saturday, April 3, from 10:30—Noon. This eggstravaganza will be lots of fun for everyone—church and community together. Invite everyone you know! This is also a good opportunity to offer yourself in service. Talk to Carl Repp to see how you can be involved.
The Alpha course, a video-based encounter with God’s story of salvation, will be starting up at Hope on Wednesday, April 7, at 7:00 pm. Call Carl Repp to sign up for online participation.
Scripture readings for Palm Sunday—Zechariah 9:9-12; Philippians 2:5-11; John 12:20-43.
Birthdays—3/22 Melanie Martin; 3/25 Ruth Reinhardt
“I will put My Instructions within them and engrave them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be My people.” Jeremiah 31
Pastor Heckmann