29 Mar This week at Hope 3/29/2021
Yesterday in worship we had our annual observance of Palm Sunday. It is a joyful occasion to shout our Hosannas to the coming King as Jesus enters Jerusalem. Yet it is also sorrowful since we know He enters His Holy City to submit to bitter suffering and death. Even so, we continue in the parade of Christ-followers who want to watch with Him, walk with Him, live and die with Him. Good stuff is still to come as we also rise with Him and are equipped to fulfill God’s wonderful purpose. Open yourself this Holy Week to the movement of the Holy Spirit so that your faith and faithfulness can be renewed and deepened.
Two Holy days are observed this week. Maundy (“Command”) Thursday worship services will include Holy Communion at 11:30 am and 6:30 pm. Good Friday worship services, also at 11:30 am and 6:30 pm, will lead us to a direct view of our Lord’s saving work on the cross.
Next Sunday of course is Easter Sunday. Along with a beautiful and festive celebration service at 9:00, we will enjoy breakfast in the Friendship Hall at 10:15. The full complement of Discipleship classes will follow that.
Hope’s EasterFest is set for this Saturday, April 3, from 10:30 am to Noon. Along with inviting and bringing family and friends of all ages, you can lend a helping hand in setup, cooking, games, and cleanup. Talk to Carl Repp to find your place.
The Alpha course, a video-based encounter with God’s story of salvation, will be starting up at Hope on Wednesday, April 7, at 7:00 pm. Call 926-8574 to sign up for online participation.
Scripture readings for Easter Sunday—Isaiah 25:6-9; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Mark 16:1-8.
Birthdays—4/4 Ruby Wilcox
“Wherever I am, there My servant will also be. My Father will honor whoever serves Me.” John 12
Pastor Heckmann