12 Apr This week at Hope 3/29/2021
Yesterday in worship we observed the Second Sunday of Easter. Along with witnessing the risen Christ who confirms our faith, we heard the report of how the first Easter Christians lived as the community of believers. Their unity was striking, their generosity was striking, their care was striking. An abundance of God’s grace was at work among them. While the form and context may vary in our time, the essence and content remain the same. Having received the life and teaching of Jesus, we devote ourselves to giving and serving in His name. This is a fine time for the church to lead the way in our culture with Radical Generosity.
Yesterday we also welcomed Mr. Derick Zwerneman from Austin Disaster Relief Network. He gave a great overview of the work ADRN is doing in collaboration with Austin churches. While continuing with our Sunday School offerings through August, we will be looking to expand Hope’s partnership and involvement with hands-on participation. First thing will be an in-gathering at church in May for the Hope Family Thrift Store. This will be a convenient way for you to re-purpose clothing and household items. If you can’t wait that long, you are welcome to drop off items at their location, 1122 E. 51st St.
A new Discipleship class will begin in the Parish Hall next Sunday. This will be a study of St. Peter’s First Epistle to the church. In the Friendship Hall the Conversation on Racism will continue a little longer yet. Now that we are resuming our Sunday fellowship with food in the Friendship Hall, this is a perfect time for you to join fellow Christians in an hour of Bible study.
Our next offering of Tacos and Prayers is set for Saturday, April 24, from 10-11 am. This time we will set up in the parking lot at the MBC station, 1801 Briarcliff, on the corner with Gaston Place. This is a great opportunity to reach out with kindness in the community. You can help with preparation, transportation, distribution, and general friendliness.
Dorcas ladies will gather at church this Wednesday at noon. Newcomers are always warmly welcomed!
Next week—Hope women and men will get together next Tuesday, 4/20. LWML women meet at the church at 5:30; manly men will meet at Luby’s at 5:30 pm.
Looking ahead—Hope’s next Movie on the Trail is scheduled for Friday, April 30. “The Croods 2” will be the featured attraction at 7:00 pm. Talk to Carl for all the details.
Scripture readings for next Sunday—Acts 3:11-21; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36-49.
Birthdays—4/14 Roma Duff, Zac Heckmann; 4/18 Pastor Heckmann
“The community of believers was one in heart and mind.” Acts 4
Pastor Heckmann