19 Apr This week at Hope 4/19/2021
Yesterday in worship we observed my 55th birthday. Wait, that doesn’t sound right. While I appreciated all the prayers and good wishes, the actual focus was on the Third Sunday of Easter. The risen Christ appears to His disciples after Easter with His peace, His presence, His proclamation, and His promise. All of these wonderful gifts are shared with us, too! Jesus’ peace sustains us through turbulent times. Jesus’ presence assures us of God’s steadfast companionship among us. Jesus’ proclamation is good news that rings out all through the world—death has been defeated. Jesus’ promise is fulfilled as we are “furnished with heavenly power.” No matter what your present circumstances are, you can live joyfully and confidently in the reality of your living Lord.
The women of Hope’s LWML are meeting this Tuesday at 5:30 pm at church. The program topic is, “Working Together”. All women are invited to join in—it should be a good time.
Hope Men’s Group will be gathering at Luby’s (1410 E. Anderson Ln) this Tuesday at 5:30 pm, as well. We will enjoy a hearty meal together and catch up on how it goes with life in Christ.
Our next offering of Tacos and Prayers will be this Saturday, April 24, from 10-11 am. Here’s an intriguing twist—this time we will set up in the parking lot at the MBC station, 1801 Briarcliff, on the corner with Gaston Place. This is a great opportunity to reach out with kindness in the community. You can help with preparation, transportation, distribution, and general friendliness. Let Carl know if you are planning to participate.
Hope’s next Movie on the Trail is scheduled for Friday, April 30. “The Croods 2” will be the featured attraction at 7:00 pm. Bring family and friends with you to enjoy the evening out on our Great Lawn.
Scripture readings for next Sunday—Acts 4:1-12; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18.
“You are witnesses of these things.” Luke 24
Pastor Heckmann