10 May This week at Hope 5/10/2021
Yesterday in worship we observed the Sixth Sunday of Easter on Mother’s Day. The two themes came together through the Gospel reading of John 15 as Jesus taught us about love that endures. In the created order established by God, that love is primarily conveyed and transmitted through our mothers. Following in the way of Jesus, Christian mothers especially nurture and bless their children through obedience, sacrifice, and joy. “If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My love.” “No one has greater love than to give up one’s life.” “My joy will be in you and your joy will be complete.” Together in the church, these are the very truths we live and bear witness to. Our joy was great, too, in the baptism of Emedi Songolo, Jr. Welcome to the family of Christ at Hope, little brother!
A woman’s watch/bracelet was left behind yesterday in the Friendship Hall. If you are missing it, contact the church office.
Our In-Gathering of items for the Hope Family Thrift Store continues through the month of May. You can bring household items, clothing, etc. to the convenient collection area at the church. The Thrift Store is an important funding stream for the Austin Disaster Relief Network, of which Hope is a member. Clean out your closets and put your faded treasures to good use.
The Dorcas Circle invites you to their annual picnic this Wednesday at noon. It will be a festive affair in the midst of good fellowship. Please bring your favorite side dish to share.
Tacos and Prayers will be on offer again this Saturday from 10-11 am. We will set up at the MBC service station at the corner of Briarcliff and Gaston Place. This is a great way to be in the community and meet our neighbors in a relaxed setting. Talk to Carl to see how you can take part.
Church and community will be meetingthis Thursday to discuss the use of the church playground and the possibility of a dog park. If you are interested in being involved, we will meet in Hope Harbor at 6 pm.
The Lord has supplied each of us generously with daily provision. I encourage you to make regular and faithful Offerings at Hope in faith and gratitude for God’s loving care. Here are three ways to do that:
• In-person at the offering plate;
• On the church website by the Give with Us button;
• Through the Vanco mobile app GivePlus.
Scripture readings for next Sunday—Acts 1:12-26; 1 John 5:9-15; John 17:11b-19.
Birthdays—5/12 Dawn Garza
“I chose you and appointed you so that you could go and produce fruit and so that your fruit could last.” John 15
Be Bold!
Pastor Heckmann