08 Mar This week at Hope 03/06/2022
Yesterday in worship we observed the First Sunday in Lent. As you might know, the Sundays are not technically part of Lent—that’s how we get 40 days from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Sundays always remain a celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Yesterday we did follow Jesus into the wilderness for forty days, where He was challenged by the tempter with some very enticing possibilities. Thankfully, Jesus held to the path of obedience and remained steadfast in the revealed word of the Lord. That same word is near to us even now, in your mouth and in your heart. When confronted with our temptations, we make the good confession that Jesus is Lord and no one and no thing else will get the top spot. Along with that, we continue to hold fast to the truth of His resurrection, that every enemy is conquered by Him, and we will share in His life which has no end. Call on His name in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks, and temptations are taken care of by our Champion.
In adult Discipleship class yesterday we had fantastic discussion on being clothed with Christ, and how husbands and wives are to relate to one another in healthy and God-pleasing ways. This is THE BEST HOUR OF THE WEEK. Don’t miss it!
Midweek Lent services are this Wednesday at 11:30am and 6:30pm. We will hear more about Healing Wounded Relationships, this time with helpful guidance on how to overcome the destructive practice of Invalidation. We will have fellowship meals at around 12:15pm and 5:30pm. Plan to join in for a hearty lift in body and soul.
A Hope outing to Bob Bullock Museum is scheduled for this Friday, March 11. We will meet at the church at 10:15am and return at 3:00pm. This will include museum time and lunch at a restaurant. Wheelchairs will be available. See Suzanne about tickets–$16 for museum and theater. Participants will pay for their lunch. Contact Suzanne Mueller or Deaconess Sharon RIGHT AWAY to get your spot in the van.
Plans are underway for a fabulous spring Easter festivalon our Hope grounds. Reserve the date—Saturday, April 9, the day before Palm Sunday. If you can lend a hand in any way, let Carl Repp know.
The Braille Ministry at Hope is finally able to acquire paper again and has re-started their work. If you are interested in serving with Hope’s group on the first Tuesday of the month, talk to Ruth Reinhardt.
Scripture readings next Sunday—Jeremiah 26:8-15; Philippians 3:17—4:1; Luke 13:31-35.
Three ways to Give in support of Hope’s ministry and mission:
• in-person at the offering plate in worship;
• on the church website by the Give with Us button;
• through the Vanco mobile app GivePlus. Thank you!
Birthdays—3/9 Kenneth Harkey
“Celebrate all the good things the Lord your God has done for you and your family” Deuteronomy 26