This week at Hope 03/28/2022

This week at Hope 03/28/2022

Yesterday in worship we observed the Fourth Sunday in Lent. The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Forgiving Father, Envious Brother) was in full view. Jesus’ wisdom surely is on display in this tale that has captivated so many for so long. And it still speaks to our experience today as God’s saving love is received. No matter where you have been, no matter what you have done, Our Father who art in heaven is ready to welcome you with open arms just as He welcomed back His only-begotten Son after He suffered our sin and death on the cross.  A celebration is in order as we who were once dead are now alive in Christ! What was lost has been found by the Lord, and we rejoice in His amazing grace.

In yesterday’s adult Discipleship class we began our new study of 2 Corinthians. This looks very promising as we had deep and meaningful discussion right from the start. It will be fruitful as we explore all the facets of the Christian life. Join in next Sunday at 10:30am.

Midweek Lent services continue this Wednesday at 11:30am and 6:30pm. We will hear more about Healing Wounded Relationships, this time with insight into The Secret of Not Having Unrealistic Expectations. Meals at around 12:15pm and 5:30pm provide fantastic food and fellowship.

Opportunities to give for help to Ukraine:

  • Our brother Nick Chupikov is raising money to help two close friends with supplies for their military service. You can make a contribution to this through the church, using a “Special Appeal” envelope.
  • You can donate to the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod efforts to support our partner church in Ukraine. Find more information at
  • You can donate to Educational Opportunities (EO) as they provide medication, clothing, food and other needs for hundreds of Ukraine Refugees being housed in Israel. Texas District Emergency Management Coordinator, Julie Tucker, is working directly with EO to manage refugee assistance. Find more information at
  • You can donate to Water Mission, which is working through local churches in Poland and Romania to provide refugees with hygiene kits, safe water, basic needs, trauma counseling, bibles and spiritual care. Find more information at

Church Work Day is this Saturday for sprucing up the field and walking trail, and also continuing to prepare the new dog park. There will be something for everyone of all abilities. 9am to 11am, give a little time in service to church and community!

Hope’s spring Easter festival on the Great Lawn is scheduled for Saturday, April 9, 11am to 1pm. Live music, free food, fun games, and egg hunts! Lots of volunteer opportunities are available. Talk to Carl Repp to find out how you can help.

Scripture readings next Sunday—Isaiah 43:16-21; Philippians 3b-14; Luke 20:9-20.

Three ways to Give in support of Hope’s ministry and mission:

•          in-person at the offering plate in worship;

•          on the church website by the Give with Us button;

•          through the Vanco mobile app GivePlus. Thank you!



“This Man welcome sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15 

Be Bold!


Pastor Heckmann