12 Sep This week at Hope 09/12/2022
Yesterday in worship we observed the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost in the fellowship of faith. We heard the Good News that the Good Shepherd finds and reclaims His lost sheep. Jesus loves sinners who can be restored to God’s grace and reformed for purposeful life. As that happens for you and me and anyone else, there is much joy in heaven! The apostle Paul is a prime example of God’s work to save. Each of us follow in his way as we admit the totality of our sinfulness AND receive the full mercy of Christ Jesus. To the immortal, invisible, and only God be honor and glory forever and always!
Sunday adult Discipleship class yesterday got off to a great start in 1 Thessalonians. As always, God’s Word is rich and full of blessing. After digging into the bountiful banquet, we always leave better off than we came. We will do it again next Sunday!
This Wednesday will be a great time to come around the church. Our Dorcas ladies are hosting a Congregational Luncheon in the Parish Hall at Noon. Pulled pork sandwiches and two kinds of soup, plus whatever you bring for sides and desserts, promise a fantastic feast. We will gather again on Wednesday at 5:30 pm in Hope Harbor for the evening meal. Following that, we will have a timely study of a contemporary topic with the Holy Spirit leading us to greater faith and insight.
Hope DayTrippers are heading east next Monday, September 19, for various stops in Lee County. What an adventure! Contact Deaconess Sharon to get your seat in the van.
Hope Dog Park update—We recently received this report from a neighbor: “In my evening walks at the park I have noticed more and more people making use of the dog park and playgroup, seeing as many as 7-8 dogs at a time and people chatting away (and these are just the times I happen to be down there). On behalf of the neighborhood, I just wanted to say thanks to Carl and Dian and the Church for building that space out.”
Scripture readings next Sunday—Amos 8:4-7; 1 Timothy 2:1-15; Luke 16:1-15.
Three ways to Give in support of Hope’s ministry and mission:
• in-person at the offering plate in worship;
• on the church website by the Give with Us button;
• through the Vanco mobile app GivePlus. Thank you!
“Our Lord’s favor poured all over me along with the faithfulness and love that are in Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 1
Be Bold!
Pastor Heckmann