This week at Hope 11/1/2021

This week at Hope 11/1/2021

Yesterday in worship we observed Reformation Sunday, the 504th anniversary of the movement Martin Luther started to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ to its central place in the Church. Our sanctuary was aflame in red as a sign of the mighty work of the Holy Spirit to bring God’s truth to us. We celebrated the good news that Christ has helped us free from every need. His righteousness is essential to our life and leads us to the productive fruit of faith. Let the song ring out, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God!

It is unusually quiet at Hope today—no Food Pantry in operation. We gave thanks yesterday for the faithful service of all the volunteers. Pray God to show us new opportunities to bring grace and mercy to the community.

Today is All Saints Day and tomorrow is Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. We remember and give thanks for our loved ones who have departed in the faith, including Hope members Dee Pace and Hal Rutz in the last year.

Our Reading Connection with Blanton Elementary is starting to ramp up. It’s not too late to get involved with a small offering of time each week. Talk to Carl if you are interested.

You are invited to come out for the Birthday Drive-By to Laurene Boes. Meet up at the church this Tuesday at 1:30 pm to join the caravan.

This is a good week to show up at SAIL on Thursday—it’s a Wurstfest with a pork schnitzel dinner and German lieder led by Lee Ann Hartman. RSVP to Deaconess Sharon to get your place at the table.

This Saturday church and neighborhood will join forces to continue work on the new Dog Park. We will go hard for a couple of hours, 9-11 am, and see what kind of progress we make. Come out and start the day with a little physical activity!

The first of the Thanksgiving feasts is right around the corner. The ladies of Dorcas Circle are inviting everyone to join in their Thanksgiving luncheon on Wednesday, November 10. Bring a side dish or dessert and enjoy the fellowship.

The Lord has supplied each of us generously with daily provision. I encourage you to make regular and faithful Offerings at Hope in faith and gratitude for God’s loving care. Here are three ways to do that:

•          In-person at the offering plate;

•          On the church website by the Give with Us button;

•          Through the Vanco mobile app GivePlus.

Scripture readings for next Sunday—1 Kings 17:8-16; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44.

Birthdays—11/4 Gerda DuBose, Allison Martino, Emmaline Heckmann; 11/7 Jim Bronson


“All are treated as righteous freely by God’s grace because of a ransom that was paid by Christ Jesus.” Romans 3

Be Bold! 

Pastor Heckmann