14 Jun Today at Hope 6/14/2021
Happy United States Flag Day!
Yesterday in worship we observed the Third Sunday after Pentecost and reflected on “Longing and Fulfillment.” Our present longings are deep and persistent. St. Paul describes it as groaning and being weighed down. The burden of earthly life is leading to our eventual demise. Yet we long for something more, for reunion with our Maker and redemption by our Savior and renewal in the Spirit. The Lord is good to propel us to such fulfillment through baptism and communion and the community of believers. Soon the reality of eternal life in Christ will be revealed. In the meantime, we show both the death and the life of Christ in our bodies.
We continue our one Sunday Bible study in the Friendship Hall. Yesterday we had a great discussion on how to interact with the atheists around us. You won’t want to miss the one next Sunday! There is no better way to spend one hour out of the 168 God gives you each week.
Men of Hope, unite! We’re gathering at Tres Amigos this Tuesday at 5:00 pm. This is always a good time to shoot the breeze, catch up with each other, and encourage faithfulness. Come on out and enjoy food and drink with the boys.
Volunteer Training for work with Austin Disaster Relief is coming to Hope next Wednesday, June 23. This one evening can prepare you for a variety of service, all in your own time and choosing. Meal will start at 5:00, with the training session running from 5:30 to 8:30 pm.
Texas District Convention Report—Rev. Michael Newman was re-elected as President. Rev. Nathan Wendorf of Harlingen was elected as our Area C Vice-president. Other Vice-presidents: Area A, Rev. Allan Eckert; Area B, Rev. Larry Krueger; Area D, Rev. John Davis. Pastor John Stennfeld of Christ Lutheran was elected as Circuit Visitor for our central Austin churches. Talk to Bill Martino or myself to get further details.
Coming Attractions—Movie on the Trail, June 25; Tacos and Prayers, June 26; Loyalty Sunday and Voters Assembly, June 27.
Jesus is Lord Mission society is having its annual meeting this Thursday at 10:00 am at Zion Lutheran in Walburg. You are invited to attend.
The Lord has supplied each of us generously with daily provision. I encourage you to make regular and faithful Offerings at Hope in faith and gratitude for God’s loving care. Here are three ways to do that:
• In-person at the offering plate;
• On the church website by the Give with Us button;
• Through the Vanco mobile app GivePlus.
Scripture readings for next Sunday—Job 38:1-11; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41.
Birthdays—6/14 Louise Hohle; 6/20 Colleen (Heine) Golla
Anniversaries—6/14 Elmo & Frances Miertschin; 6/15 Bill & Betsy Martino; 6/17 Jason & Shannon Galloway (15 years)
“We want to be dressed not undressed, so that what is dying can be swallowed up by life.” 2 Corinthians 5
Be Bold!
Pastor Heckmann