Today at Hope 7/19/2021

Today at Hope 7/19/2021

Yesterday in worship we observed the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and looked at how Christ builds us into a place where God lives through the Spirit. Yes, that’s right, we people are a place and a building. Even more, a household and fellow citizens and a temple and a sanctuary. All this from Ephesians 2. And Christ has broken down and breaks through the hatred and hostility we naturally have for God and for each other. In its place He makes Himself the cornerstone of faith and life, and provides ongoing access to the Father. This is the good news of peace we live in every day!

Yep, we had another great discussion yesterday in our Adult Discipleship class, this one about Letting Go of Guilt. Come and join in next Sunday for one more video-based topic.

Hope’s VBS is in full swing this week, with sessions each morning from 9:00 to 11:00. There is still room for participants and volunteers. Invite a friend and/or neighbor and enjoy this summertime refreshment.

Hope Men, join the party tomorrow night, Tuesday, at Tres Amigos starting at 5:00 pm. We’ll enjoy food and drink and some good healthy Christian friendship.

The Lord has supplied each of us generously with daily provision. I encourage you to make regular and faithful Offerings at Hope in faith and gratitude for God’s loving care. Here are three ways to do that:

•          In-person at the offering plate;

•          On the church website by the Give with Us button;

•          Through the Vanco mobile app GivePlus.

Scripture readings for next Sunday—Genesis 9:8-17; Ephesians 3:14-21; Mark 6:45-56.


Anniversaries—7/22 Carl & Dian Repp, Todd & Sara Burke; 7/24 Terry & Sherry Wende  

“As God’s household, you are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone.” Ephesians 2

Be Bold! 

Pastor Heckmann