Hope Weekly

Yesterday in worship we observed the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost and joined blind Bartimaeus in crying out, “Jesus, show me mercy!” The Teacher, the Son of David, our once and future King, shows us the fullness of God’s mercy that fills our spiritual and physical...

Yesterday in worship we observed the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost and heard Jesus’ challenging teaching on the kingdom of God, or God’s reign. This is how I described it: “God’s kingdom is where Jesus, by virtue of His self-giving sacrifice, reigns in loving kindness and...

Yesterday in worship we observed the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost while also celebrating LWML Sunday. The theme for the day was, “Our Hearts in His Hand”. What wonderful Good News that is, to hear how God has personally cleaned up, purified, and renewed our old...

Yesterday in worship we observed the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost and focused on the passage from James 3-4 that highlights the contrast between pride and humility. Here is a review of the key insights on the perils of pride:Pride destroys; Humility buildsPride is concerned with...

Yesterday in worship we observed the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost and focused on this age-old observation from James: The tongue is untamable. I know the truth of that in my own life. Even as I commit to godly language, I still erupt with angry filth...

Yesterday in worship we observed the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and heard strong words from Jesus on how to attain true holiness before God. We strive for the appearance of holiness through religious rituals and outward observances, but those don’t clean us up on the...

Yesterday in worship we observed the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost and looked at the familiar but often misunderstood passage on marriage in Ephesians 5. The best approach is helped by realizing that St. Paul is writing foremost about Christ and His bride, the Church. And...

Yesterday in worship we observed the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost and came to a better understanding of Pure Holiness. These four gold nuggets from a diverse group provided deeper insight into the gift of Jesus:Holiness is not the way to Christ; Christ is the way...

Yesterday in worship we observed the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost and rallied around this truth, “Everything that God requires, He provides.” This is the nature of our gracious and loving God who always delights in giving. It is seen most clearly in the gift of...

Yesterday in worship we observed the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and saw Jesus walking on the water for a direct encounter with us. He gets up close and personal to calm our storms and take away our fear, AND He is willing to grant healing...